Mana Mantra Manifesto

We believe that with courage, strength, perseverance, resilience, and a willingness to change we can live a life we love.
We believe that through the practice of yoga, meditation, and self-development we can shift our reality.
We believe in practice, practice, practice.
We want to show up, to learn, and to inspire those around us.
We crave and hold our purpose steadfast and true with a loyalty to this cause like there is no other.
We take risks, embrace our vulnerability, and transform our space within.
We encourage and respect each other and get to know ourselves so that we know others.
We cry, we feel, we laugh, we love, and we choose to make choices.
This is our life, a sacred life, an ordinary life, that accepts responsibility to be mindful of our behavior and thoughts. We keep it simple. We are always seeking ways to enjoy it and be good at it the best way we know how, and when we can be better we are better.
This is our mana mantra.